Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Kite Maker - 1646 Words

THE KITE MAKE Ruskin Bond (1934-1974) ________________________________________________________________________ About t6he author Ruskin Bond is a famous journalist and short story writer. He was born at Ksauli, Himachal Pradesh in 1934. he won the john Llewelllyn Rhys Prize for his first novel ‘Room on the Roof’ in 1957. Ruskin Bond has Published a number of books including. My First Love and Other Stories (1974). The present story the Kite Maker is a fine example of Bond’s excellence as a short story writer. About the lesson In this short story Ruskin Bond describes the†¦show more content†¦Now everyone hurried, hurried in a heat of hope, and delicate things like kites and daydreams were trampled underfoot. Mahmood, the kite maker, had been well known throughout the city in the prime of his life. Some of his more elaborate kites sold for as much as three or four rupees. At the request of the Nawab he had once made a very special kind of kite, unlike any that had been seen in the cistrict. It consisted of a series of small, very light paper discs, trailing on sa thin bamboo frame. To the extremity of each disc he tied a sprig of grass for balance. The surface of the foremost disc was slightly convex, and a fantastic face was painted on it, with the two eyes made of small mirrors. The discs, decreasing in size from head to tail, gave the kite the appearance of an crawling serpent. It required great skill to raise this cumbersome device from the ground, and only Mahmood could manag e it. Everyone had, of course, heard of the ‘dragon kite’ that Mahmoood had built; and word went round that it possessed supernatural powers. A large crowd assembled on the maidan to watch its first public launching in the presence of the Nawab. At the first attempt it did not budge from the ground. The disc made a plaintive, pr5otesting sound, and the sun was trapped in the little mirrors, making the kite a living, complaining creature. Then the wind came from the right direction and the dragon kiteShow MoreRelatedKite Runner by J. D. Sallinger1245 Words   |  5 PagesThe main character of the Kite Runner is an Afghan boy named Amir and his family, including his servants, Hassan and Ali. At the start of the book, Amir and Hassan are about 12 years old and live in a new, wealthier part of Afghanistan because Amir’s father (Baba) is a big business man in Afghanistan, so he is wealthier. Amir is a Pashtun, which means he is a Sunni Muslim, while Hassan is a Hazara, whi ch means he is a Shia Muslim. 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